Saturday, May 19, 2012

He's Home

YAY!! Fabio is home.  He has his little pharmacy and a follow up next Saturday.  He was diagnosed with feline pancreatitis.  They don't know what causes it but if it's not caught it's deadly.  In his case it was caught earlier enough that it didn't affect his other organs (phew) and all the vomiting he was doing is a rare symptom that cats will give.  Normal pancreas enzyme count for cats is 5, his was 10.6.    The vet had a hard time getting him to eat, but I learned that if you give a cat valium, they will eat.  So he got a couple shots of valium to help him eat.  My vet is awesome and I love the staff, they are terrific people.  

He is on lockdown until he is done with his medication and even then I might not let him out.  He's hiding now and I'm sure very happy to be home.  I'm happy he's home.  Now he just needs to get better.

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