Monday, August 12, 2013

One Year

Graffiti Night is this Saturday and it’s a family affair of fun, raffle prizes and hopefully awards for Doug and Dad again this year.  It will also be Craig and I’s first anniversary together.  Yes, a year ago I met my beloved Craig.  He is everything I have held out for.  Yes I could have settled and been miserable, but I chose not to.  I chose to hold out and wait for my other half.  I always said that I would rather be alone than in a relationship and miserable.  Life is too short and I know too many people who have seemed to have settled instead of waiting.  I was happy and single.  Whenever I was asked “no kids, never been married what’s wrong with you” I’d always come back with a snotty little comment like “you’re divorced what’s wrong with you” or my favorite “I don’t want to be with an asshole like yourself.”  I didn’t need anybody to complete me, my world to revolve around or theirs to revolve around me.  I wanted somebody to add to my happy and yet still have their friends and little life outside of coupledom.  And it has been happened.  We don’t fight, we talk things out.
We both have a great sense of humor and are able to laugh at what life has to throw at us.  But there are times when things seem overwhelming, that’s just how life works.  Our relationship is relatively drama free.  Granted we do have our few moments (3 to be exact), but I have learned it’s best to just not say anything and walk away. Talk when you’re mellow.  We are one of those disgustingly cute hand holding couples that actually enjoy each other’s company.  I don’t ever think “ugh I have to drive to Elk Grove again?”  I get excited to see him and actually don’t mind the drive at all.  He is a great dad to his son, a hard worker with his job and is a bit old fashioned which I love.  He does a lot of the little things that matter the most and I do them in return.  He is quite awesome in my eyes and I do love him with all my heart and then some.  I can’t wait to see what our life has to hold together.  Through good times and bad we will see each other through it.
I know being single sucks and after a certain age there seems to be a certain stigma that comes with it.  Especially if you don’t have children or have never been married.  But there is also something to be said for it.  You learn to deal with yourself, your thoughts and self entertainment.  Doing things on your own can be good therapy and you gain self confidence.  I’ve driven to and around Arizona, lots of trips to San Francisco and road trips to nowhere in particular.  Met a lot of cool interesting people and loved every minute of it.  You are on your own schedule and it’s fantastic.  So go take a last minute “me” road trip, take in the sights and sounds and meet new people.  Just be sure to let somebody know where you end up just in case something happens.  Go be one with yourself and when the right one comes along you will know.  Until then don’t settle, life it way to short.

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