Sunday, August 10, 2014

Debt Free Baby

Debt is that nasty 4 letter word that we all hate.  It’s so easy to use and get sucked up in, after all, spending money is fun.  Paying it back though is a complete bitch and takes forever.  I, like millions of others, had a blast getting into it.  But getting out of it brought a lot of tears, anger and frustrations.  A few of the happiest days of my life were making those pay off phone calls.  Like my student loan, my car payment and a couple credit cards.  I figured that since I didn’t have those payments anymore that I would just keep going the way I had been going and just deal with it later.   That was a mistake.  I got tired of living paycheck to paycheck, not being able to put anything into savings because it was going towards credit card payments.  When I was able to put a little something into savings, it got sucked right back out due to a smaller than usual paycheck and not having enough to cover my bills.
Although I always made sure that my cats and bills were taken care of, I would figure out how to put gas in my car and feed me somehow.  Lots of sleepless nights, tears and that sinking feeling in your stomach when you see how little you have left until you get paid again.  Well, I am excited to say, this will happen no more.  I have finally been able to pay off all of my debts and the only bills I have now are my monthly expenses like electric, garbage, water…you know the usual stuff.  I have vowed to myself that I will only use my credit cards for emergency only, will build back up my savings account because I can now and never ever again will I live paycheck to paycheck. 

I feel liberated, like I want to go out and celebrate with a shopping spree.  But will not as I already have everything that I need (it’s just in storage right now).  I will no longer stress about how I am going to be able to pay the unexpected vet bill or car repair.   It’s surreal to know that I don’t have to worry about certain things anymore.  My paychecks are mine to keep and turn over to Mr. Bill.  I plan on saving as much as I can as I do have a house to buy and a honeymoon to take.  I can finally take real vacations, go back to my spur of the moment road trips.  I cannot wait for those, they are long overdue.

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