Monday, December 28, 2015


This has been a very active year in more ways than one. We started it off by hiring a trainer, then getting married.  Ended it with my uncle and a lung surgery to remove cancer.  In the middle, I made a new friend, reconnected with old friends, even got to see and hang out with two of them.  Managed to complete four 5k races (one actual race day and three virtual), got a new boss, new car, lost my precious little black ninja kitty Bluka (still makes me sad about that one), my new mother in law passed away and my oldest niece got her first boyfriend.  It’s been a very eventful year.  When I look back on all of it, I see the changes within myself both good and bad.  Mostly good but some of the bad still needs to be worked on.

My patience have gotten thinner and my ability to keep my mouth shut is getting harder.  Which I know will get me in some serious trouble if I’m not careful.  I have also become selective with what I share and whom I share it with. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing, it’s a good thing.  I know I can have quite the attitude sometimes and need to get that in check.  Mostly on those days I just leave my headphones in and turn the world off as much as possible.

2016 is going to start off rather fun.  I did sign up for a Duathlon, but feel I am not ready, so my Du buddy and I are going to go hiking instead.  It was free to sign up so no money lost.  Am also going on our delayed honeymoon in February.  Cannot wait to see what this year brings.  I know that I will be focusing on better eating habits and there will be some job changes due to new regulations.  That will be exciting yet scary.  But I will get to learn new things.  Cheers to 2016, new year, new changes, new start and rolling with the punches!

Monday, December 21, 2015

Keep on Runnin

I am finding that the virtual 5k’s are more fun than the actual big race ones.  You have a week to complete them on your time, your own course.  But the actual big race ones are a lot of fun too.  I am just not too fond of big crowds.  But that also adds to the excitement.  I just completed a virtual Color Run and had more fun throwing color at my friend than the actual running part.  I told her that we need to end every run like that.  I have one more virtual 5k to do this year and then kick off 2016 with a Duathelon.  In March I have a Peace, Love, Run to do, then in June it’s a Bubble Run.  Who knows what else I will sign up for.

My training at the gym has been stepped up to now include some Crossfit stuff.  LOVE IT!!  I love it when the guys stop to stare at the gal flipping a tractor tire and carrying a 20lb ball of sand across the gym floor.  20lbs might not seem like a lot, but when you are tired from flipping a tractor tire, it’s a lot.  I am also really going to start focusing on my eating patterns and habits.  So the meal preps will begin.  The combing through the Weight Watchers cookbooks has begun again.  But am going to be serious about it this time.  Am also going to buckle down and get serious about my running.  I want to complete a 10k next and then move onto a 13 miler.  That would be a huge accomplishment for me.

Master Trainer has me doing a lot of endurance stuff, he said he’s going to make a running machine out of me yet.  So this is where the eating comes in.  Since Saturday nights are my date night with hubby, I figure that can be my cheat night, but nothing to crazy.  My oldest girlfriend has started her journey to lose weight and get healthy.  She keeps me inspired when I feel a slump coming on.  I’m really proud of her as she has lost 25 pounds so far.  She is truly an amazing person with a beautiful heart.  She keeps me from getting too callous at life and people.  I’m excited for her on many levels and am honored she’s sharing her journey with me.  She has many great things to come her way.  She has overcome so much in her life already and this is her time to shine and finally take care of herself.