Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Becs Bits

I used to be really good at this.  Blogged faithfully almost every day and now I suck at this blog thing.  But when I do it, it’s because I have a lot to say and things have happened.  So I like to break it up into little sections so it’s not a bunch of different blog posts.  So here we go.

I’ve been getting really discouraged lately by a lot of things.  I do have a good life.  I have a job, own my home, bills are current, have a great guy who loves me, support of friends and family and a reliable car.  But it’s a bunch of little annoying things that are happening that are discouraging.  For example:  Craig and I are engaged and you would think that we would be living together at this point in our relationship.  Sadly, no.  We are still apart and only see each other on weekends which really truly sucks.  He’s usually in bed by the time I get off of work which makes it even harder.  And then add in my impatience for the projects getting done around the house and it just makes it that much worse as I want to move on to the next phase in our relationship but cannot.  I’m trying really hard to be patient but it’s getting thin.

House Projects
YAY my list is getting smaller.  It’s so nice to have a new HVAC system, not to thrilled about the bill that came with it, but it needed to be done.  Old dishwasher has been ripped out and the new one is on it’s way and will be installed on the 23rd.  Mike was so kind as to rip the stump out of the ground AND he fixed my ceiling fan and switch in the dining room.  Next two projects are big ones.  The repainting of the house and replacing the shower/tub in the master bath.  Mike is my hero as he’s been helping me when he can and will be helping me once again with the bathroom come June.  I don’t know what I would do besides hire somebody to get this stuff done.

Changing Habits
I’ve made the decision that I’m tired of being tired.  I am not getting any younger and have the Portuguese genetics to be really hippy.  Sitting all day at work doesn’t much help the situation at all either.  I’ve gained quite a bit of weight and am generally not happy when I look in the mirror.  Craig says he loves me just the way I am but I am not.  So, I’ve changed my eating habits and am still working on that as I do slip still and have gone back to the gym.  I get really angry at myself for letting me go like this.  I’ve always said that I didn’t want to look like my mother.  Meaning, I didn’t want to get out of shape and overweight.  Well….I did.  So I’m on a mission to fix it.  I do not know how much I weigh as I have not done that yet.  And I have not taken before pictures either but I will and date them.  See how long it takes me to get to my goal.  I have been looking at marathons to work towards but I want them fun so those are my target ones.  And yes I will be taking my nieces with me as they love to do those things too.

Oil Pulling
My Aunt had posted something about this on Facebook not too long ago.  Here is the definition:

Oil pulling or oil swishing, in alternative medicine, is a procedure in which the practitioner rinses their mouth with approximately one tablespoon of ordinary cooking oil for 3-20 minutes, and then spits it out. This procedure is typically performed daily”

You can use sunflower, sesame or coconut oil.  The more unrefined the better.  It helps to detox your body, naturally whiten your teeth and helps heal all of kinds of ailments.  My oil of choice is coconut.  I do this in the morning after I give the cats their breakfast and swish away while getting ready for work.  Pop has been doing something similar to this, but he doesn’t swish, he’s just eating a tablespoon of it along with drinking fruit juice with 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar mixed in.  He swears by this as his joints really don’t hurt anymore and his blood work came back excellent.  He’s going to be 70 next month and his doctor is quite impressed with him.  He goes to the gym 3 times a week as well.

DO NOT spit this down your drain.  It will clog up your pipes since it is oil.  I spit it out in a sandwich bag before I brush my teeth and it leaves my mouth all tingly and I like the taste of coconut.  So I figured I would start doing this and see what happens in a few weeks.  If anything I will get whiter teeth out of it right?   Also, don’t forget to drink your water since  it’s really good for you and keeps your kidney’s happy.