Friday, November 30, 2012


So on my weekly trip to Dimple I went in armed my list (never leave without the list and in this case it’s okay to stray from it).  Three of the cd’s I wanted were imports, this is what I get for digging around on iTunes.  I talked to lovely gal behind the counter and she wasn’t able to order them since they would be coming from the manufacturer in Australia.  The three that I was looking for are Adalita (out of print..just rude), Lanie Lane and Clairy Browne and the Bangin Rackettes otherwise known as the Heineken gal.  So I called The Beat in midtown and woo hoo they were able to order two of them and I wasn’t sad anymore.  As far as Adalita goes since it was just released last year and went out of print so quickly that usually means they are getting ready for a U.S. release..yay!!

Since Clairy Browne is pretty much sold out and on back order, they went ahead and placed the order for that one and Lanie Lane on Wednesday. I received a phone call yesterday that one of them had come in and I was not only excited but impressed that it had come in so quickly.  Craig was kind enough to pick it up for me today but I don’t get it until Saturday when I see him (bummer).  Clairy Browne could take up to two months to get, but I’m okay with that.  I have Lanie Lane in the meantime who is Clairy Browne-esque and by the time it does come in I will have more than likely forgotten about it and will be extra excited about it.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Life is good

Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.  ~ Dr. Suess

Thanksgiving this year was awesome.  Very low key with no white trash, sarcastic, not enough alcohol to dull the pain that is unwanted family members.  Doug's family wasn't there, and mother was invited (yay).  Dad came home in time to enjoy Thanksgiving at home and life was good.  We were still sober at the end of the night too.  Which was even better.

The BIG 40
So I turned 40 on Saturday.  Don't know exactly how a 40 year old is supposed to feel, but I don't feel any older and I might have a few more wrinkles and more grey hair coming in.  But I survived the big one.  I was extremely excited about two of the coolest birthday gifts ever!!!

April and Doug got me a vinyl bowl.  Yes it's an actual record made into a bowl.  It's going in my cd room.

Craig found and framed an Aerosmith poster for me.  Everybody knows it's my favorite band and this is just way awesome.  I was almost speechless on this one.

Birthday Dinner
To celebrate the big day, Doug,Shel, Craig and I went to Fats in Folsom (funny enough I was just there last week for our company holiday lunch).  It was fun. 

Yes we were happily buzzed, but didn't care.  Doug was driving.

My sweetie pie or as I call him Bumpers (don't know why, it just stuck).  He makes me happy and is a good guy.

Yes, I am finally one with the smartphone world.  Still have yet to figure out how to use it, but am having fun with it.  I will sit down soon and read the novel on how to use it.  But it is fun to figure it out on my own.  I'm still not getting rid of my iPod though.  I don't want to be that attached to my phone like most people are.  I can still function without it.