So on my weekly trip to Dimple I went in armed my list
(never leave without the list and in this case it’s okay to stray from
it). Three of the cd’s I wanted were
imports, this is what I get for digging around on iTunes. I talked to lovely gal behind the counter and
she wasn’t able to order them since they would be coming from the manufacturer
in Australia. The three that I was
looking for are Adalita (out of print..just rude), Lanie Lane and Clairy Browne
and the Bangin Rackettes otherwise known as the Heineken gal. So I called The Beat in midtown and woo hoo
they were able to order two of them and I wasn’t sad anymore. As far as Adalita goes since it was just released
last year and went out of print so quickly that usually means they are getting
ready for a U.S. release..yay!!
Since Clairy Browne is pretty much sold out and on back
order, they went ahead and placed the order for that one and Lanie Lane on
Wednesday. I received a phone call yesterday that one of them had come in and I
was not only excited but impressed that it had come in so quickly. Craig was kind enough to pick it up for me
today but I don’t get it until Saturday when I see him (bummer). Clairy Browne could take up to two months to
get, but I’m okay with that. I have
Lanie Lane in the meantime who is Clairy Browne-esque and by the time it does
come in I will have more than likely forgotten about it and will be extra
excited about it.